also heres a giant wood aligator. It made me smile.
Scripture of the week!
13 Wherefore, I call upon the weak things of the world,those who are unlearned and despised, to thresh thenations by the power of my Spirit;
We can be his Arm. He will preserve us. We may be weak but we are not alone! I hope everyone has a great week!
Well another fun thing this week is it starts the National Party of Costarica! Sept 15 is there Independence day... but they start early! WE had a nice suprise when we went to our english classes! There was a parade outside! And so we had a nice break to watch it! These clown things came up and touched me too... it was crazy... and those carts are like the most typical thing in Costarica! There so beautifuL!
Well we had a Baptism! This is Erick! He was the best Investigator weve had! Hehas such a strong testimony and he was so ready for this day! It was like 3 weeks coming becuase he has a blood problem and was in and out of the hospital! SATAN! didnt want him to get baptised! But finally it all came together and he was so happy! We also had the most support at a baptism we have ever had! So slowly we are gaining the support of the members! Milagros! ARE HAPPENING here in Perez! We had a country wide fast for the work of salvation in this country! And I think its working! This week has been incredible! And Prez always says that we need the help of angles! Well... I think were getting it!
We said good bye to Elder Palencia this week! Who is actually going to be in the same area as Hermana Soe!! so thats exciting! And all he wanted to do his last day... steal the flag in the church and take pictures! So we did! haha it was fun! Also we went outside after saccrament meeting and sang for the flag... but like i felt weird... cause I didnt know it... and im from texas haha it was funny! and really long! But felt good!! Also they dont have the thing here where if the flag touches the ground you have to burn it.. so they like dragged it all aroung... It hurt my heart to watch.
but it was a good weekend saying good bye to Elder Palencia. My brother from El Salvador. he was very good to Me. Watched over us like a dad. Gonna miss him!
More pictures from the week! We had another birthday party! And it turned out really good! Cake and a Piñata! It rained of course so we had to get creative! But hey that the mission life!